Professional and Disciplinary Construction
发布时间: 2012-11-22 浏览次数: 71

We set Applied Chemistry undergraduate in 2000 and Material Chemistry undergraduate in 2003, and both began enrolling in the next year. In 2003, we set a master degree in Applied Chemistry and enrollment began in 2004, which is the first to offer master degree among the basic disciplines in our university. The master degree in Analytic Chemistry was set in 2005 and began enrolling in 2006. In 2010, the college was granted to offer master degree for one fist-class discipline, and one professional master degree for Chemical Engineering. Currently, there are 693 undergraduates and 60 master graduates. In addition, 3 doctor supervisors recruit doctoral candidates across fruit trees, pesticides and environmental science disciplines, and 7 tutors across multiple disciplines in school to recruit graduate students. The college pays attention to the disciplinary construction, the Applied Chemistry discipline was awarded as school-level key discipline in 2004 and key discipline of Shandong province “12th Five-Year Plan” in 2011. The main research areas are Bioorganic Chemistry, Functional Material and Biosensor Technology, Nano-materials and Photoanalytical Chemistry, Applied Colloid Chemistry, and Applied Organic Chemistry.